Below are some of the conversation-starters that have been contributed to Play!Fight!. You can respond to them by leaving a comment on this page.
What question would you ask about activism?
What is the world you dream of and do you think your activism is taking us there? -LondonFaerie
How do people position their 'activist' community in relation to other communities they may be part of? -Beccy
What is the most effective form of activism nowadays?
Can I really make a difference? -Black Books
What is your ultimate aim/ goal?
Can anyone be defiined as 'non-activist'? -Anon
Why does the term 'activist' have such a stigma attached and why do people think it's just about protest marches and placards? -Tabitha Long
What question would you ask about kinky sex?
How does an exploration of kink alter/develop an individual's more public self? What are peoples' experiences? -Beccy
Does your kinky sex feel like an act of rebellion, is it something normal and everyday or is it all of the above? -Cas
What do you get from kinky sex that you might not from regular sex? -Adam
In Orwell's dystopia, sex is purely procreational and not to be enjoyed. Do you think the exploration of kinks is a radical act? -LondonFaerie
What sex isn't kinky? -Claire
Why are 'kinks' viewed as they are? Surely they are just another form of sexual expression, as is abstinence? -Tabitha Long
What do you play for?
To feel really, really deeply both physically and emotionally -Ruth T
escape, ecstacy, feeling, numbing, to live, to heal, to revel in love -Claire
For pleasure and freedom. Sexuality (like personality) is flexible and multi-faceted. I play to learn more about myself & others -Tabitha Long
The journey back to myself -Beccy
Graceful movement and sharp breaths. The fun and intricacy of rope. Total freedom. -Cas
For fun. To know I'm alive -Adam
What do you fight for?
The time when justice is not an exception, or an isolated victory. -Beccy
Understanding and exploration. To expose and educate archaic beliefs that are rooted in ignorance and conformity -Tabitha Long
Love (using only peacful methods) -anon
To reclaim the space around us as a space we can live in as us. I want that space to be as wide as it can. -Cas
For what's right for me. -Adam