Episode 1
You shut up, you shut up and bend on all four and scrub the bathroom floor while I shave. You just shut up. Have you thought about it like this: what if we were never going to do it again, we were never going to just do it, you know, do it indoors or outdoors, in a swimming pool or in front of the fireplace, if we were not going to do it ever again, inside a bus or an airplane.
What would happen then, what would happen to your arrogant ass, your beautiful fingertips, your wonderful hair. Your hair would greyen and eventually fall out of sadness. I am telling you. Just shut up and scrub the fucking floor.
Episode 2
Your thing, your thingy thing, your beautiful buttock, your extraordinary fish soup. I just came - I just came back after a long pause. You said this is how you thought it should be like but you had never done it this way before.
You were tired but you liked to be forced into doing things: Just get here immediately, just get here get over it and come to see me
And so you came. And it was nice and loud and I thought it was not done till later. Then you unparked and left once again.
Episode 3
You ask me if I'm leaving a big empty space...I nod and there is some laughter. Just from that. And I can also say: I come come come come can come cum come onto you darling onto your beautiful nothingness, your wonderful back of your knees, your curls.
I want this, now, I want the hair on your head. Your button-hole. You know this is how I like to be touched, through the hole in my trousers, drinking cognac from the bottle.
We are touching and moaning and keeping it down. Sometimes I think of Henry Purcell.