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I open my eyes and I see you and the dark. I want to do two things. Keep the dark as it is and hold you tight. Hold your tiny tiny nipple breast underneath your shirt. I need to do that from time to time; it reminds me of who I am, what my name is, what my favourite dish is, where I come from.


It reminds me of all the moments I did what I should not, when I was hidden in the cupboard, eating pomegranate seeds holding your cock. I need to hide in the cupboard from time to time eating pomegranate seeds holding your cock, because it reminds me of all the moments I should not have done. Of the moments when you were helplessly trying to come on my mother's patio, so that you could say after, I did it, I came on the patio.


I need to hold your tiny nipple, dear, it makes me taste of the smell of the sea and travel to the sand of ever. I make my bag, I am ready now, you insert your middle finger in my arse, asking me where I want to travel. Egypt, I scream, Egypt! You turn your finger to the south east, you are in Egypt now, you say, you see the camels, you smell their shit, you taste their urine. Where would you like to travel now? Philippines, I scream! You turn your finger further to the east, you are in the rainforest now, an orchid grows inside your cunt, you stay still, you breath the rain. Where would you like to travel now? You, I scream, you!

You remove your finger from my arse and you take me hard. I am now in all the places of the world at the same time. I do not need a passport, a mosquito net, an umbrella. I only need you and your cock growing inside my vagina.

You remove your finger from my arse and you take me hard. I am now in all the places of the world at the same time. I do not need a passport, a mosquito net, an umbrella. I need you and your cock growing inside my vagina.



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